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Mature Driver Presentations

Kent Road Safety run a number of mature driver seminars in response to an emerging casualty trend for ages 65 and over

These seminars offer general road safety advice including motorway driving, motorway breakdowns and pedestrian safety.

Specific topics relevant to mature drivers also include:

  • Decline in peripheral vision
  • Reduced mobility
  • Impairment through prescribed drugs

Outcomes of our 2017 workshops

In April 2017, KCC Road Safety held focus groups for mature road users and discovered the areas they felt affected their driving capability. Many related to the topics discussed in our seminar and explained ways they self-regulate their driving habits. Challenging situations that many choose to avoid include driving at night, during rush hour or on certain types of road.

Whilst many older drivers continue to drive safely and confidently for many years, many also choose to gradually reduce their driving and look at alternative means of transport.

The information that we found from these groups is now being used to develop our future road safety seminars. Details of future courses, when available, will be posted on our website.

Key statistics

In nearly half of all collisions involving a 65+ year old car drvier, failing to look properly was a contributory factor.

This is 6% higher than the norm.