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HASTE Driving Course

The H.A.S.T.E Driver Training Course

The H.A.S.T.E Driving Course (Hazard Awareness, Space, Time, Eco-driving) is open to all drivers who hold a full driving licence.

The course is virtual and helps you to stay safer on the road. It focuses on a range of techniques for safer and less stressful driving. The course improves your ability to judge and maintain a safe and legal speed for the area you are travelling in.

H.A.S.T.E covers the following topics:

  • Hazard awareness
  • The importance of space and time
  • Eco-driving techniques
  • Speed and severity

If you improve your knowledge of these topics, you may reduce the risk of being involved in a serious crash.

The course is run in 3 sessions that last approximately 45-60 mins in total. for groups we offer the opportunity for a member of the road safety team to attend the presentation and be available for a Q&A session.

Cost and location

The H.A.S.T.E course is currently available free of charge. The virtual course can be delivered at your group meeting place or premises.

Book onto the H.A.S.T.E Driving Course

For more information and to book please email [email protected]