In Vehicle Safety
Kent Road Safety are here to help to protect the safety of passengers in all age brackets
Whilst not all in-car casualties are caused through a failure to wear a seat belt or use the appropriate child car restraint, the seat belt remains a key safety feature inside every vehicle. Seat belts save lives and contribute to making crashes survivable.The choice to wear a seatbelt is made at the start of each journey.
Setting a good habit in childhood contributes to encouraging sensible behaviour throughout an individual’s life and the power of parent action to influence the choices of their children cannot be underestimated, both in their immediate and future chosen behaviour.
Our passenger safety programmes:
When Will it Click?
The choice to wear a seat belt is simple.
Putting your seat belt on may seem like a no brainer, yet it is estimated that around 20% of drivers and 26% of passengers do not wear their seat belt on some journeys.
Every time you choose not to wear a seat belt, you are taking a huge, potentially life changing risk.
At the start of each journey it is a simply ‘plug in and forget’ action. However, it’s clear that many drivers still do not take this simple life-saving action.