Using the three core headings of Education, Training and Publicity, the KCC Road Safety Team will continue to target road user behaviour as the focus for casualty reduction.
Based around planned interventions where road users are encouraged to participate in discussions on key road safety topics. Typically, these activities will be delivered to small groups and can be delivered through schools, community groups and employers.
The aim of such interventions is to develop a dialogue with road users, sometimes over a prolonged period of engagement, and guide them to explore their views and feelings for key safety issues so that they may develop their own coping strategies. These activities are non-judgmental and place the learner in control over developing or voicing their own opinions, within an environment led by a road safety professional.
Typically these activities will focus on a specific issue or element associated with a wider theme and will seek to enable road users to develop coping strategies for specific situations, e.g. looking right then left before crossing, adopting COAST (Concentration, Observation, Anticipation, Speed, Time) to maintain an effective driving attitude.
Using mass messaging techniques to deliver key messages to road users, typically countywide but could be across a district/area. Such messages help to communicate effectively across a wide area within a small time scale, ensuring there is consistency and enabling local education or training activity to benefit from the credibility of association with a ‘bigger’ message.