Information for Schools
Road Safety in Primary Schools
It is never too early to get young children thinking about Road Safety.
Every year children are hurt on our roads so whether they are walking or cycling to school it is important that we give them the necessary foundation blocks for them to build on to help them become a safer road user.
All schools are offered the chance to register for the Junior Road Safety Officer scheme where the appointed Junior Road Safety Officers highlight local Road Safety issues and raise awareness among the pupils and teachers. For years 1 and 2 we offer the chance to have Teddy Takes a Tumble talks which is a resource offered to years 1 and 2 where the children are taught, through the use of a Story Sack, why they should be in the correct car seat and should be wearing a seatbelt when travelling in a vehicle.
Road Safety in Secondary Schools
The transition between primary and secondary school can be a particularly risky time and this age group show a marked spike in pedestrian casualties.
There are many reasons as to why this increase may occur…this could be the first-time independent journeys are made and a change of school may introduce pupils to a new or unfamiliar route. Phones, earphones, friends, being late…all contribute to demands on your attention.
The Safer Road Users Team offer:
Road Sense road safety sessions for years 7 & 9. These 50-60 minute sessions are led by one of our Safer Road Users Team. These age appropriate sessions cover many aspects of the PSHE curriculum and facilitate an essential part of your student’s personal development.
The Young Driver and Passenger course is offered to all post 16 educational establishments. Designed around the known causation factors relating to young driver crashes, the course aims to educate all car participants – irrespective of their driving experience!