Reaching road users with critical messages about risk and behaviour is at the heart of our work.
The main cause of life-changing and life-ending events on our roads is road user behaviour; the choices people make, so connecting and engaging with people holds the key to making roads safer.
Most road users will respond to ‘reasoned argument’ in order to adjust their behaviour and the ‘fear of detection’ can be a prime motivator in this. However, there is a hard-core of road users (violators) who will only respond to enforcement action or involvement in a serious crash, as these are likely to be the only things that jolt violators into a new way of thinking.
Reaching road users with critical messages about risk and behaviour is at the heart of our work. Support from media organisations to deliver community safety messages with huge human interest can help meet our moral imperative to reduce needless death and injury on the roads.
Communicating data analysis to understand risk, psychological profiling to identify perpetrator groups, legal sanctions for those who choose to act irresponsibly and to highlight the human cost of crashes can help raise public awareness, increase knowledge and affect intended behaviour. Overall we want to help those at most risk to reduce their vulnerability, whilst targeting those who make them vulnerable to understand their responsibilities.
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